STEP: Jurisdiction Report on Liechtenstein
An introduction as well as legal, tax and practice information for Liechtenstein.
STEP: 21st-century wealth structuring
An explanation on how modern wealth structuring can help families maintain control through generations.
STEP: 300 years young (Asset Protection in Liechtenstein)
An overview of Liechtenstein’s asset protection framework.
STEP: Private Trust Foundations in Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein’s foundations regime as an efficient way to structure a Private Trust Company.
China Offshore: Asset Protection Guide
Trusts, Foundations, Identity Planning – 10th Edition
China Offshore: The Abu Dhabi Global Market
An Analysis Of Its Asset Protection Laws In Relation To Foundations And Trusts.
Griffin Trust Orientierungshilfen
Die liechtensteinische Stiftung
Notes on the Liechtenstein Foundation as a flexible holding and succession planning vehicle.
Stiftungen und Trusts – ein kurzer Vergleich
Foundations and trusts achieve the same goals but come from a different background.
Die liechtensteinische Anstalt
Notes on the Liechtenstein Establishment as a flexible corporate entity unique to Liechtenstein.
Vermögensschutz in Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein’s legal framework offers a suitable combination of measures to make a succession plan robust.
Privatvermögensstrukturen in Liechtenstein
A translation of the Information Sheet on «Privatvermögensstrukturen» (Private Asset Structures (PAS)) issued by the Liechtenstein tax administration office.
Compliance und Sorgfaltspflicht in Liechtenstein
In order to protect its integrity as an international financial centre, Liechtenstein ensures that the processes and rules set out in the EU’s anti-money laundering directives are adopted.
Das liechtensteinische Blockchain-Gesetz
Liechtenstein’s “Blockchain” Act provides much needed legal certainty by bridging the current divide occurring when “real world” assets or rights are “tokenised”.